Singing Guide: Here Be Lions

Singing Guide: Here Be Lions

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If You Want to Sing Like Here Be Lions, Here Are Some Tips

If you're looking to learn singing like Here Be Lions, you need to hone the skills that set them apart from the rest. Here Be Lions are known for their deep, full, and powerful vocals. Their style is a unique combination of contemporary Christian and inspirational music, which requires a strong command of both traditional and modern singing techniques. Here are some practical tips to help you achieve vocals like Here Be Lions.

Breathing Technique

To achieve a fuller, stronger voice, it's essential to master proper breathing techniques. Here Be Lions' lead vocals are incredibly deep and full, so to achieve this, work on your breathing. Check out this great article about Breath Support and Respiration to get started.

Vocal Exercises

Here Be Lions excels because of their unique voice. Achieving a distinct sound like theirs requires clean, accurate singing and regular vocal exercises. Practice warm-ups to help prepare your voice and build strength, check out this video guide on Farinelli Breathing to master proper breath exercises.

Sing with Emotion

Here Be Lions music is not only powerful but also deeply moving. To successfully pull off their style, you must be able to sing with emotion. Bringing your feelings into the song while maintaining your pitch and control is the key to your performance. Begin practicing this skill with the help of this Relaxing Breath video guide.


Articulation is how you pronounce the words. Make sure you're singing with precision and clarity to really convey the message of your music, like Here Be Lions. Check out this Finger Bite video guide to help with pronouncing challenging lyrics.

Listen closely and Practice Songs

To achieve a voice like Here Be Lions, it's crucial to study their music and learn their songs. Listen to and study their music to gain insights into their composition and vocal techniques. Pick a song and focus on the lead vocal. Try to replicate their sound to help you develop your voice fully.

To study their music deeply, use Singing Carrots Songbook feature to find Here Be Lions music matching your vocal range and difficulty level.

With the right techniques and practice, you can sing like Here Be Lions. Use the resources provided by Singing Carrots like the Pitch Training - Educational Singing Game and Educational singing course to accelerate your development and enhance your singing skills.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.